Saturday 9 February 2013


I’m sure everyone at some stage has wondered, "What if?!" in all situations. I find myself doing it ALOT! As I’ve become a dating disaster, "What if" is always on my mind. "What if I didn’t do that?" "What if I did this differently" I’ve just came to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason and that maybe Prince Charming will come one day and sweep me off my feet.. A girl can dream of course. Soo.. In the last year and a half of dating, it’s been one bumpy ride..I don’t think any female will ever understand exactly what goes on inside a man’s head will we? You think you’ve worked out how to play the game, and your proven so wrong! So having tried every possible tactic, I’ve given up.. Well for today anyway :) My friends get a constant giggle at my misfortune. As I always have a tail to tell? This is why I’ve set up this blog; Why not share my experiences with the world...couldn’t think of anything better! HA

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS! So Sex and the City! Can't wait for the book :D xxx
